Learn backbends and Chakrasan with Shyambhai Yoga

Learn Backbends | Chakrasan 45 - 90 days with Shyambhai Yoga Team

Are you ready for your ‘Journey to Backbends’? First time ever, we are coming up with the most requested program. Time to unlock new goals this new year with Shyambhai Yoga Team

Backbends Chakrasan Yoga Session 

1. Schedule: 10 am, Monday to Friday

2. Duration: 1320+ minutes of live and guided sessions with Shyambhai Yoga Team

3. Mode: On Zoom

4. Cost – Rs. 3500/- per month

What is Chakrasana?

Chakrasana, also known as the Wheel Pose, is an advanced yoga pose that requires strength, flexibility, and focus.

Our Live Class for Backbends Chakrasan will cover 10 steps to help you learn this advanced pose in just 45 to 90 days.

1. Warm up your body: Before attempting Chakrasana, it’s important to warm up your body. Start with a few rounds of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations) and other yoga poses that focus on stretching your back, shoulders, and hips.

2. Lie down on your back: Lie down on your back with your arms by your sides and your palms facing down. Bend your knees and place your feet hip-distance apart on the floor.

3. Place your hands next to your ears: Place your hands next to your ears with your fingers pointing towards your shoulders. Keep your elbows pointing up towards the ceiling.

4. Lift your hips off the ground: Press into your hands and feet to lift your hips off the ground. Keep your elbows parallel to each other.

5. Straighten your arms: Straighten your arms and lift your head off the ground. Your arms should be straight and your head should be between your arms.

6. Push your chest towards the ceiling: Push your chest towards the ceiling and try to straighten your legs. Keep your feet and hands firmly planted on the ground.

7. Hold the pose for a few breaths: Hold the pose for a few breaths, taking deep inhales and exhales. Focus on keeping your body strong and stable.

8. Release the pose: Slowly release the pose by lowering your head and arms to the ground. Lower your hips back down to the ground.

9. Rest for a few breaths: Rest for a few breaths in Savasana (Corpse Pose) before attempting the pose again.

10. Repeat: Repeat the pose a few more times, focusing on your breath and alignment.

Note: Chakrasana can be a challenging pose, so it’s important to practice it under the guidance of a trained yoga teacher. If you have any health conditions or injuries, it’s best to avoid this pose or modify it according to your needs.

Book Now to Learn Wheels Pose or Chakrasana